Monday, October 31, 2011


Sorry guys, I have been MIA. My mom was in town, lots going on here at the house and on top of it all my new class started and WOW is pretty much all I can say. The 1st day in I remembered why I didn't take Biology when I went to college to begin with, the fact that I have to go back and take it now for grad school...=/ I am just praying to get through it. I think this will be one class I will not be upset about not getting an A! I need to pass and that is pretty much all I care about =)

Ok so side not. TOM came in town so yay not pregnant. I did tell my husband what was going on and that went over way better then I thought it would. I will never know why sometimes I doubt him, I guess it is just something girls do.  Although i still hope one day to grow our family, I am happy that it isn't today.

I think I got a whopping 120 minutes at the gym this week. But this week it is on!

Ok I will try to be better about posting, I don't even know where I am weight whiz, I know gasp!

Ok till later =)

1 comment:

  1. Well done for chatting it through with hubby, they really do surprise us don't they ;-)
