Sunday, October 9, 2011

Workout challenge

Yep twice in one day! and then seriously that will be it for a while =)

Sunday: 45 min walk/run.
Monday: totally forgot about the filed trip with my sons class so nada
Tuesday: 65min elliptical 20min weight routine
Wednesday: 65 min elliptical 20 min weight routine
Thursday: SPIN!!! 60 min (m ass still hurts), 40min walk/run
Friday: 65 min elliptical, 40 weights, 50 min walk/run

Total: 470 min.  This next week will be tough because of my sons surgery. I am hoping to go in an workout at night, but we will have to see. I will be workout today, and tomorrow, and maybe by Friday he will feel up to going to child watch so I will have maybe 4 days this week....but my goal is the week after to start workout out a min of 500 a week. After finals means i have hit that date where I said I would start doing the Jillian Michales 30day shred it is just a week away. My son is actually the motivator now for my evening walk/run and always reminds me that we need to go. Today I might go twice. Maybe once this afternoon then again this evening just to get some more activity in and get some of his energy out. II feel pretty sure I have said this before, but pacing yourself with a almost 5 yr old on a bike is a serious workout.

Ok I am out!

-Till Later


  1. Great job this week! Hope his surgery goes well!

  2. Just Right click on the graphic and click save as. Then you can load it to your blog :)
