Friday, October 7, 2011

Not to Fear

I think I sounded pretty desperate the other day so Not to Fear I will not be giving up =)

It is just a rough week I guess. I have made some changes. Switching up workouts, cutting out some things, adding others, and really hoping that in another few weeks  I see some changes. I am on week 9 and I prepaid for 12 weeks so I am at least going to give it till then. And probably another 4 after that since I don't know when it is up and it will probably auto renew.

I need to be more focused too. I think if I was being honest with myself, which I am just not "as honest" open on my blog, I am not staying as close to the points as I should be. I do great till dinner. It is really difficult to find things to cook for us all that are points friendly and most of all budget friendly.  So I just need to be more focused, I have just never struggled to loose weight quite like this.  I do have a thyroid issue (I know someone posted about that). But it is not so bad that I have to take meds, I could but once you start you can't get off and I really want to stav off taking them. I really think if I get even more focused and follow the plan to a T I will loose. It is not like I haven't lost anything, it is just taking an insane amount of time =/

On a side note I am up to 270 minutes for this weeks workout challenge with 2 days to go. At least I know I will hit my minimum goal for this week.

Till Later


  1. The only person who loses (or gains, I should say) when you cheat is yourself! I have learned that the hard way at least ten thousand times. It sucks. Don't give up, figure out a plan. You can do this.

  2. You are rocking those minutes :)
