Monday, October 17, 2011

A little follow up/ Then Restart Day 1

Ok so I just wanted to post a quick follow up to yesterday's post.  I did send an email to my professor when I submitted the assignment. He emailed me back and forth a few times and accepted it =) so yay! I got a B in the class. As far as the preggo things to wait another week on that. Still no signs of the strings, but I am starting to wonder if I am just not over reacting to them missing and thinking I may be, because with my previous pregnancies I knew I was pregnant. SO I will just have too wait that one out. Going to wait and see if TOM arrives and once that happens if there is still no signs of the strings I will be making an apt with the OB to find out what the heck is up. I also wanted to comment on the things I said about my sister. She is wonderful and would be happy if I was pregnant. Her 'lose 80 lbs and grow out your hair' was not said in a mean way. You would have to know the 4 of us (me my 2 sisters and my mom). She knew that I wasn't super thrilled with the way I looked when I was pregnant at my other sisters wedding and she also knows me and knows how I am when I am happy. She knew I would not enjoy myself if I wasn't thinner.

Ok so I am starting over

Day 1 weight 220

workout went great. hit up the gym, completed day one of Jillian Michales 30 Day shred and walked with the kids. Eating was ok but will be better tomorrow!


  1. Glad you're feeling better! And I am so glad your instructor was understanding. I know what you mean about sisters being blunt with each other -- me and my two sisters are much the same. Do this for you though.

  2. 30 day shred rocks! :) Stick with it, girlie!

  3. keep it up hun....i need to find this 30 day shred though...=(
