Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Maybe I should change the title to 32?

Not in the mood for blogging...just not fellin it. But here is where I am.

Ugh up to 222, epic fail... saw 199 for a day, hit 200 for my sisters wedding, then from June till now...well I think we all know what happened.

In 2012 I ran 8 races, knocked 26 minutes off my half marathon time, and was on my way to a new me. But between student teaching, graduate classes, 2 kids, a cross country move, holidays, injury, and a whole host of excuses here I am least I am not back to 234 right?

Well my goals for 2013 are here, in BLACK and WHITE and all their splendor:

1. Blog at least once a week, even if random and short.
2. Lose 20lbs in the next 10 weeks to at least be 2lbs less then I was for my 30th birthday.
3. Over all, get down to 175 by the end of the year...not my finish line, just my 2013 goal.
5. Run 13 races in 2013, which will mean 2+ several months bc, well it is too cold where we live now!
6. Run a 5k with an official time of less then 30min (best time ever 31:58)
7. Run my next half in 2:30 or less
9. Wear a sexy nightgown for my husband again. 
10. Be Happy and Comfortable in my own SKin!

Good Luck to all my weight lose blogoshpere friends. Here we go again!

1 comment:

  1. Great goals.!! I feel a lot of us will be starting over.
