Thursday, January 3, 2013

Day 1=not a total failure

I joined the gym! Yay me. It is not as nice as I would have thought per the cost. I am pretty sure some of the equipment is as old as I am. But it is the only one in town with child care (yep it is official I live the middle of nowhere now).

I did great eating wise till this afternoon. Tomorrow I must focus on actually making myself eat! I had breakfast, and came home from the gym and had a snack. But then I finished the Diet Dr. Pepper I opened this morning (ps only one can left in the house!!!!) and it was all down hill from there..but down hill is a relative term bc I def didn't eat to lose weight today. But I did do much better then usual!

I didn't die on the treadmill which is a good thing lol. The child watch closes at 12 and I didn't get on the 50 year old treadmill till around 11:10 so I decided I would do 45 min. I walked the first full mile, after that I ran every other quarter mile. In all I did 3.33 miles in 45 min. The 1st half mile I ran at my 6.0 pace at a 4 incline...that hurt. The last mile I dropped to a zero incline and only ran at a 5.t each quarter mile. That wasn't easy, but it def wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. So yay for that.

Needless to say though scale hates me today. Trying to hold on and give myself a couple weeks it takes time.

Goals tomorrow:
1st no soda day!
day 2 at the gym! going for the same workout, but a full hour.
Play Just Dance with the kids in the afternoon, and get in another 30 min
Drink at least 64 oz of plain water.

Ok folks I'll  let you know how it goes!
~Till Later


  1. Your day one sounded quite successful to me. You made the first steps! That is a VICTORY!

  2. Great job. You can do this!
