Tuesday, August 30, 2011

OMG the Half Marathon is in 6 days!!!

weight 218 :/ saw a flash of 217 I really hope i have a loss this week.

Workout. Last BIG LONG one before the race! if fact one of only 2 workouts this week. I did 8 miles on the treadmill in 1:45:59 and yes that one second is important =) I decided I needed to actually put pressure on my foot. It is still broke and I do somehow manage to slam it into something everyday so who knows if it will ever heel! I will say it itched a ton this weekend so hopefully that is a sign that it is getting better. It hurt a little more then normal for about a quarter of a mile, and then that was pretty much it. I still felt it at different times, but nothing traumatic. It didn't turn blue or anything crazy so looks like I am in good shape for Sunday.

I can not BELIEVE that the half marathon is here already! I am def not the size or weight i wanted to be before I made this run. I started training in March and wanted to be down to 190 which at the time would have been a loss of 44 lbs, instead of a loss of 16 lbs. But hey it is what it is. I know that WW is working, I just have not been sticking to it as strictly as I need to.  But, I am hoping that when the new start to the week for me happens on Wednesday my goal of not eating my weekly points will actually happen! Then again i will need to eat some none plan things for the marathon. But we shall see.

Anyway, hope everyone has a good week!  Here's to weight loss!

~Till Later


  1. It is so awesome that you are doing a Half! It is one of my dreams...but I am just not there! Honestly...right now I am not sure I could run a 5k :( I have really let my running take a backseat...must do better!

  2. Such an inspiration doing the half, I look forwards to your race report.
    ps itching toe = good sign I'M SURE of it :-)

  3. Good luck with your race! When you get discouraged with your weight just think, you're a runner! The journey is not always about the scale. =)
