Thursday, August 4, 2011

It's that time of the week

Weigh In: 220! Ya! Although I am sure it will be gone again tomorrow. So since we are leaving to  go out of town I am not even going to weigh again tomorrow so I don't get down about it going back up and say what the heck while I am visiting family.  Instead I will use being out of my comfort zone to stay focused!!!

Workout: 4 miles 48:30..on the elliptical not sure where my 11 minutes miles went. I was killing myself today to try to stay on pace and I was dying! And this is not a new workout regimen! The woman on the treadmill said something to me when I hoped off really quick to grab the gym remote to change the channel after the guy watching MSNBC left (who can watch the news when they are working out? I am trying to take the frustration I already have out on the machine not get even more frustrated by watching the news!) Anyway, she was like wow you are really moving on that thing. I laughed and said yea and I am running behind. She looked at me like I was nuts! After 4 on the elliptical I ran a mile on the treadmill. Again it was easy 5.00 12 min mile pace. I didn't feel the twinge in my knee till about the half mile mark, so I know it really is just getting everything back use to the pressure of running (if I would drop some more weight I know it will be so much easier) around .75 I felt a pull in my ankle and almost panicked. But again I think it is the same as the knee so I finished up even though I so wanted to Pound out the last quarter of a mile. Jack that treadmill up to a 7 mil and hour pace and really feel the burn. But I guess I need to take it slow =(

There is so much I want to talk about but just don't have the time. I will be doing most of the driving tomorrow night when my husband gets off work and I need to get a lot done tomorrow so no sleeping in. I don't want to push myself too hard w/o enough sleep. I'm hoping I can get going 1st thing in the morning and get my workout done. Take the kids to the bounce house, come home load up the car and lay down and take a nap...I may have to ax the bounce house so I can be sure to get in a nap. I know my 4 yr old will watch a movie and my 1 yr old will nap if I lay with her, so I may just have to do it.

~Till Later

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