Friday, August 26, 2011

Nothing Taste....

Close you eyes, imagine your sparkly red shoes and click your heels together 3 times saying with me, "nothing taste as good as thin feels, nothing taste as good as thin feels, nothing taste as good as thin feels", unfortunately when I open my I can still see all of my trigger foods. Blueberry pop tarts, Red Wine, cheesecake, chips!, hang on let me try again, "nothing taste as good as thin feels, nothing taste as good as McDonald's french fries fresh and hot"...oh wait that was wrong. "Nothing taste as good as thin feels, nothing taste as good as thin feels, nothing taste as good as Blondie a la mod, covered with caramel sauce". Dammit!!! One last time "nothing taste as good as thin feels, nothing taste as good as thin feels, nothing taste as good as thin feels" I think I will have a Kiwi.

Yes I often actually have to say this to myself when making the choices on what to eat. Most of my trigger foods are not in the house, and can not even be a choice for me to eat, but I often will sit and think about them for hours. I think it is safe to say that i might even be a food addict! The longer this journey goes on the easier it is getting to say no. Adding WW to my life has made it even a little bit easier because I can not splurge every once in a while and have one. I also now know there point values and can decide if I think they are worth it or  not. That is really helping to put things into perspective. I know it will get easier, I am just ready to get there. I have to keep reminding myself I didn't gain all this weight over night, I am not going to loss it overnight.

~Till Later


  1. That mantra never did work for me. Now I just look at those foods and think "death". Sometimes I even say it out loud...which makes for some interesting trips to the grocery store!

  2. Would LOVE to have you workout with us this week! Just keep a record of your exercise Monday-Saturday. Post it on your blog on Sunday...and somebody wins :) Little competitions like this are great for motivation :) If you have any other questions just email me...
