Tuesday, August 16, 2011

New Plan

WEIGHT: 221, but I am ok with that as of now

EXERCISE:  well I broke my foot. Yep you read that correctly I broke my foot.  I broke a small bone at the bottom of my pinkie toe, It hurst like hell and I haven't been to the gym since it happened on Friday night. Dr said I am ok to workout as long as I stick to non impact (so back to the no running). Ughgh! SO the half marathon is in just  a few weeks to say that I am stressed is not the full view of my life right now. SO I will get back to the gym tomorrow when my son goes back to school and we will see how things go.  I did cut the grass on Saturday and that seemed to be ok with my shoes on. It was a pain to get the shoe on, but after that it felt ok.

LIFE: SO I started classes back on Monday. I am taking 2 classes over the next 8 weeks and the amount of work I have is insane! I keep telling myself there is an end goal. After these 2 classes I only have one more class and I can start the graduate program (THANK YOU LORD!) But between a husband who has an insane schedule, 2 kids, essentially being a full time student again, cleaning the house, endless laundry, trying to lose weight, and a whole laundry list of to dos that never get done...it is just exhausting to even think about.

NEW PLAN:  I ditched the no carb/low carb. Although I still think it is the best and the easiest way to diet to get results so that I stay focused, I also realized that in my current life I can not stay focused on it. And with low carb you have to stay focused and you can't cheat all the time or it doesn't work. hence the meager weight loss over the past 6 months.  Taking a look at everything and trying to decide what I could afford, what I thought would work, and how desperate I felt I decided to give Weight Watchers another go.

I did weight watchers about 10 years ago when I was in college and was about to get married (didn't get married then but got really thin). It seemed to work well and was easy enough. The only problem was I didn't really changed what I ate, I just basically curtailed my eating and used all my points to eat bad for you stuff and to drink. I still lost an insane about of weight, but didn't do much for me down the road. They have a new program now, still a points program, but the points are all different. I even have more points to eat. It is weird. I am sure once i get the hang of it everything will be ok. It does has an awesome Iphone ap I got for free and that has made finding things to eat super easy. Plus all the restaurant guides are listed in the ap so I didn't have to buy the books! I don't even have to plan in advance or keep anything on me since the ap is in my phone and we all always have our phone. Fingers crossed this is the ticket. I was up to 225 this week! But am back down to 221 and I have read that a lot fo people gain a few the 1st week, and i kind of figured I might just due to the switch in how I was eating so I am ok with that. Hopefully my foot will not hinder me for too long. SO far I have been doing ok. The first day was crazy and I burned a lot fo my weekly points and i have still been using some each day as I figure out what thinks I can eat and find new stuff to incorporate. Hopefully in a few weeks I will have some go to foods and a good idea of the new points system. I really plan not to use my weekly point totals unless it is for a special event, like a holiday, or anniversary or wedding cake =) I found a great coupon online for the program. I paid $45 for the plan sign up and for the 1st 3 months. After that it will be $17.95 a month. I opted not to go to the meetings because they are $12 a week and $31 to join and I just couldn't justify it. Especially when I know how busy I am going to be to begin with and know that the meetings will be super hard to make it to.  Going to meetings and weighing in is probably the better way to go, I just couldn't do it right now.

So wish me luck!

~Till Later

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