Sunday, July 29, 2012

Feeling Fat

Yes, yes I know I hate  that word to, but I can hate it all I want, it is still how I feel.
My weight of course jumped right back up to 208 after eating the pizza =/ I feel these extra lbs. I am not sure if I have ever felt the weight change especially when it has been under 10, but I do. I took my measurements for the 1st time since May, some change but it places I could really care less about, and I actually came out with numbers a little higher in some places. Which I usually account for me not really knowing how to take them and not always taking them in the exact same place.

Oh well, back to low carb tomorrow. 5 weeks till race day. I am going to add in some stomach and arm workouts I pinned on pintrest starting tomorrow so we shall find out how it goes.

~Till Later

1 comment:

  1. Good luck with your race in 5 weeks. I'm sure the weight will go back down in a day or two of plenty of water. I know when I eat high sodium stuff I always bloat up.
