Monday, August 20, 2012

Well, things have been CRAZY!

Ok so here we go, I am going to bullet it because I write enough papers for Grad School so thinking and processing for my blog just isn't going to happen tonight. However I am going to go from bad to good =) because all things should end on the good when you can find it!

1- Ugh the scale how I loath you. Since I stoped taking my deit supplement I have gained anywhere form 7-10! 10 OMG! 10!!! That is HUGE! OK anyway, so I stopped taking them because theygave me the jump start I needed and I need to do it myself. I have no medical reason why that I am not lossing weight other then I am not eating right. But dang it is driving me nuts. I was at 200! Saw 199 flash on the scale a few times, and now I am seeling 206, 207, 209, =/ its so hard! 10lbs is HUGE in 6weeks!!

2-I thought after a year I would have been closer to my weight loss goals. Overall I would like to lose 94 lbs from my orginal weight of 234 down to 140. But I am only 27 lbs closer! Would be at 34 lbs but still I thought I would be closer to 60! So I am trying to become ok with that, and more inportant I am desperately trying to stop the slide on the scale.

3-I have started using My Fitness Pal again. It really is the most practical way to keep track of what I ear. However, I need to stop eating my excersies calories everyday and try to stick to there suggestion. I need to get some more fruits and veggies in the house that I really like. I am thinking of making my own Smoothie diet lol. I like smnoothies with Almond milk they are only about 100 calories and if I add some protein powder it may be a great meal replacmemt. But so far I have not seen a loss even though it tells me when I complete my log ins that I should loss about 12 lbs in the next 5 weeks but I am seeing nothing =/

4-My foot is doing better. I got a second shot in my foot today. Dang those things  hurt like hell and I am not really sure how they help. I mean the pain goes away, but I worry if I am doing further damage. I go back in a month and figure I will talk to the dr then and see if there is something else I should be doing.

5-The past 2 weeks I have been game on at working out. I haven't made it to the gym everyday. But I have run outside several times, cut the grass, even gone ahead to the gym late because I felt lazy if I didn't so hopefully bringing that consistence back into my life will help with the weight loss.

6-I still feel like my running is behind where it was a few weeks back when I ran the beach run. I don't know why. I need to push harder. I am planning to run with the mom's on the run at the Y outside and I really hope that the difficulty that will be and the push I will get from not wanting to be the worst will not only help me get better at running but also also help boost some weight loss.

7-I run the Rock in Roll Half for the 2nd time in 2 weeks..well 1 week 6 days lol. I am so nervous that my run  time will not be as good as next year. I really wanted to be back down to 200 or to 199 but right now I would take 205. It should be  more then doable. So I need to focus more on what I am eating and try to cut my calories. And try not to eat more then half of my calorie burn.

8. I made Skinny Soup! Its really good, filling and only 60 calories per 1 cup. I need to be eating it more and stop burning my calories on JUNk!

9. I found this amazing web site/blog.  if you have never been there go! The food is amazing even my family LOVES it! SO far I have made banging shrimp (which was totally banging), Zucchini Tots..AMAZING!!! and chicken enchilada boats TO DIE FOR! I am trying to use up what I have in the house and cook from her page so I am sure I will have more reviews for her food soon! But I need to empty out and then try new =)

10. Well!!!!! I have started my 2nd semester of grad school. Started on the 1st so far I have passed one full class! Half done with another! And I am rolling right along. I do my first PCE placement this semester, which I am super excited and super nervous about all at the same time! I am in a 3rd grade class and should have my schedule soon!

11. THE BIG NEWS!!! We have accepted a JOB OFFER!!!! After almost 10 years in the Navy, 8 of them with me =) we get out out of the military in 90 days!!! The only life we have known together or as a family, and although there are so many things I will miss about it, I am very excited for the things we will gain, like getting to be together =) We will be making out new home in the foothills of the Ozark mountains in Arkansas! It is not somewhere we had ever considered, and the job will be a HUGE paycut for about a year because the pay is almost the same as the military but we will now pay for health insurance and taxes on all of our income instead of just half (the military deserves those breaks trust me, there is no family life what so ever). I am so nervous about the move but super excited to!

Ok well I have to go...hopefully I will update again b4 the half but if not hopefully you can check my fit pal and hopefully it will be better! If anyone else uses my fit pal let me know your name and I will add you and we can cheer each other on!

~Till Later

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