Wednesday, July 25, 2012


Frustration= my current state of mind! I feel like I am going to be FAT forever!

Oh I am so frustrated right now. I am not Budging on my weight. I got back down to 203, then my family came back in now I am back up to 207 and I just want to SCREAM! 5 weeks ago I was a solid 200, and even saw 199 flash up a few times. I can feel it, I can see it. It is real weight. Ugh I am just dying inside. I have so much farther to go. Tear...ok well I am back on with the no carb as of yesterday, and it seems to be going well, except the last time I dropped several lbs in a few days and this time not so much. I am going to get more strict. I also caved and bought some SENSA lol. I doubt it does everything but I am starting to feel very desperate. Over a year of these and at this moment I am only down 20lbs. I need to be down another 17 in just 5 weeks! I feel pretty certain that will not be happening. Stay focused stay focused.

The running is going well. I bought new shoes and have had no shin pain. YAY! for that. I have been running a min of 6.2 at the gym. I walk some of that, well I walk about 17 min of least I did today. I warm up with a .25 mile walk at 3.8 then run a mile at 6.5 then at the end of each mile I walk for 2 min at 3.8 so it takes me almost right at 1:05 to get in a 10k which isn't too bad. I have an actual 10k race on Saturday. I am pretty doubtful that I will have a finish of anywhere near that time. Given the heat, the humidity, and the fact that this race is on sand I am just hoping I can finish it!

Well, school is back in session for me, so I am hoping I can blog at least once a week is my goal. Of course if things are going well it will be easier.

~Till Later

1 comment:

  1. I have been really frustrated too. Doing the right things and seeing no results. UGH! Hope the carb thing works out for you!
