Monday, July 25, 2011

Deep breath...don't look back

Ok so I teetered a bit...notice there hasn't been a blog since my weigh in last week? Well there is a reason. I am trying to overcome my fall. I allowed a friend of mine to take me into a "cheat" meal. One meal a week in which you have what you want. Well that may be all fine and good when I am down 40lbs, but when you have lost a whopping 7lbs it is not the time be adding in a "cheat" meal. And I knew this. But I gave in and did...OH so bad. When we left our friends house I got a bottle of wine and the cheat continued. I only had a glass Thursday night, but I drank the rest of it on Friday night, along with finishing off a bag of chips, a chocolates candy bar, and a pack of pop tarts. Pretty sure none of those things are "low carb". Needless to say the scale skyrocketed. Finally this morning I weighed back in at 221. Not quite the 219 I weighed in at after I wrote my blog on Wednesday. So it is still upsetting. By this evening after dinner I weighed in at 224! UGHGGHGHG not this again! I counted the weeks that I have had this blog and if I get back to 220 before Wednesday I have lost a lb a week. That is just not going to cut it for me! I need to be losing more, I weigh enough to be losing more. Not to mention if I keep it up I will not have lost enough by the 1st wedding I am in in March.

So, today is Monday, I am taking a deep breath and not looking back. I am having a class of wine tonight to celebrate the fact that I got an A in my class (I am back in school after 8 years I will write about that tomorrow). It is back to the hard core stay the course. I am hoping I can get back to the 220 by Wednesday when I weight in. Better yet if I could get to the 219 in which I was when I weighed in even better. I was really hoping I could make some progress on my own and not go and get on the diet plan at the Dr office, but it is looking more and more like I will be bitting the bullet in a few weeks and going to do that. When you have 70+ lbs to loose, you have to make it happen. I don't want to get discouraged, but I need to see some real progress and fast!

Some people and programs may be happy with alb a week. I just am not one of them. I know what I am capable of losing because I have done it before. The good news is I know if loss 30 lbs it will drastically change the way I am able to work out and the way I look because I did it just a few years ago before I had my daughter. Now if I can just get back there and hopefully soon!

Till later!

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