Monday, May 7, 2012

4 lbs, I just want 4 MORE lbs!!!

I just want to have a 1 and then some numbers!!

Summer starts again next week =/ I thought the kids had school for at least another 2 weeks. Its amazing how depressing and stressful it can be to find out that you are about to have both kids home all day every day for the next 60 days! To some it may sound like a fruitless complaint. But I've done both. I worked full time & had kids, and now for just a little over a year I have been a stay at home mom (SAHM for those who don't know the abbreviation) and let me tell you I am ready to go back to work. I am not saying I don't love the opportunity to be home, but it really is easier to go to work then it is to be home IMO. My house was cleaner, my laundry actually made it to the drawer, and I had adult conversations on a regular basis. Anyway, all of the is beside the point with losing weight. School seems to be going well. I didn't have a single re-write in my 1st class. I took the Praxis last weekend and aced the Reading and Math sections, I am not so sure about the writing section because you have to wait for your scores to come in, but I am not sure I feel that great about the essay. I didn't really practice for that since I write all of the time. But I probably should have seeing as you only had 30 min and I don't really write that fast lol.

Ok on the weight lose and workout front. I've been running A LOT. Still having issues with my legs. I am icing 3-4 times a day for 20 minutes. I bought new shoes, but I am thinking it may be the style of shoes I am in even though I was fitted at a fancy running specialty store (insert me blowing hair out of my face because I am annoyed). Anyho, races are going well. The last 2 I have improved my time. Finished the last one in 33:28. To finish in under 32 has always been my goal, but I am feeling that even when I did I probably would start shooting for 29.  I have started interval training. I am hoping that helps me speed up. I am following the Galloway method and running a 4:1 interval. Found a great ap for my phone called the Ultra Timer that allows you to run concurrent timers with each other which is amazing for cross training, circuit training, and interval running for me =). Anyway, I usually run the 5k on the treadmill at a 5.7, but now I can up my running to 6.0 to 6.2 and I am doing great with that 1 minute walk. I am interested to see how it plays out this coming Saturday as I know I run races faster then I run on the treadmill because I am averaging a 10:50 min at the race, and I am walking several time throughout and probably for longer then I should so I am little excited! But I am also trying not to be too hard on myself because it will be really hot and they say you should add time to your run if it is over 70 so we shall see.

Anyway, joined Atkins online. I was going strong and doing great with no carbs till last night. Had a friend make some amazing cookies and I ate 3 =/ had a hamburger w/ the bun and mac n cheese. I have GOT to stay focused! My sister gets married in 6 weeks and I would really like to have another 15 lbs which is just crazy to think. I know it is possible. I know my issue is food and not monitoring it. Lo Carb would work better if I cut my peanut butter....I don't eat a lot but I do have a spoon full or 2 if I need a something sweet.

Ok well it is almost 1 am...just wanted to give my monthly update lol.

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