Thursday, June 7, 2012

Refind the Motivation!

I am up 2 to 202 =( but in all fairness I have had all kids of bad bad bad food. I have been stressed about my test (which I just took and passed so yay!). My husband has been suffering from a goat flare up which is just awful, so between me being stressed and him being in constant pain we have been getting on each others nerves. I will say I was glade tonight when he said that he would be glad when my test was over and when he felt better so we could get back to being us. I was starting to feel like I was the only one feeling so disconnected. But needless to say I feel like I actually FEEL my thighs expanding again! I know that is so not true, but still feels that way. I am getting ready to head to Memphis for my sisters wedding on Friday and I MUST find the motivation to keep losing! After my last weight in at the Dr's office last month I am thinking about stopping the program =/ and taking the medication. I am not sure if it is really helping me at all to begin with. I guess I will make that decision when I get back in 10 days as I don't weight in for another week. I wanted to go in before we left but that would be tomorrow, and I would show no weight lose for 3 weeks so I am think that will be a no go. I am just worried now that if I go out of town without weighing in that I will come back and weigh even more, exp with the wedding being the Sunday before we come back =/ ugh I just HAVE GOT TO start making better food choices that is what it boils down to.

Ok well I am off to bed.

Till later

1 comment:

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    Thanks and have a great day!
