Sunday, November 13, 2011

Weekly Update

4 more weeks and hopefully I will be back to filling you all in on my life. I just know you are sitting at the edge of your seat wanting to know what is going on.

Well, weight is down to 215 a new low. I need to update my fitness pall. I am hoping that being back at the dr continues to help.

Set back this week, my daughter was kicked out of child watch for biting, it is a long story she has bitten someone 3 times in the last 5 months which I do not view as an issue, but whatever. I went back to the gym to talk to the director and they are allowing her to come, just only between the hours of 11-3 which completely screws with my schedule but I still made it to the gym twice this week after being kicked out on Tuesday lol. It is dead in there, but still super inconvenient.

I also read up some articles are cardio and have discovered that I may be doing too much! Crazy I know! I talked to a trainer and discovered it could be true. SO a new change of plan. No more then 45 min of cardio at the gym a day so my plan is 45 cardio 1hr of weight training. Basically I guess you can disrupt your own metabolism when you are doing too much long lasting cardio. She did say it was ok if I came back later in the day and did it again. Of course when training for a half marathon there are longer runs, but if you fallow a schedule you usually don't run more then 3 days a week, and you only have a long run every few weeks. I am still on the fence about doing the half in Jan since I don't have a buddy and I am kind of scared to go it alone.

Ok well this week I worked out 480 this week for the FMFFC.

Night y'all! Check in again new week.
~Till Later


  1. Oh man!! My one year old is a biter. So far he has just gotten myself, husband and daughter. I hope he doesn't get anyone when I am at the gym childcare, that would not be good!

    Congrats on your new low.

  2. My husbands favourite story is that he bit his mom once ...... and she bit him back (and not lightly either), never bit anyone again! Not that I'm advocating it you understand ;-), just a story to share!
    Maybe she is just reacting to a situation and its the only way she currently knows how to express herself?

  3. Owl had a few biting issues at his first daycare. We took him out & put him somewhere he was actually being watched & guess what happened?? He stopped. My guess is they watch the kids-but not that close.
