Sunday, September 4, 2011


Well I finished the half marathon!!! Took me 3:08:21 and I am exhausted. For the most part I feel ok, but my inner thighs are killing me. I followed up the race by eating a pretty bad meal =/ a 22point trip to McDonalds.  But i was starving and shaking I needed food. I am also saying I just ran 13.1 miles so I think I am allowed, but just this once.

I am participating in a workout challenge with some other lady's. After today's half marathon I worked out 303 minutes for the week.  I am only disappointed that those are only spreed of 2 days. I am going to enjoy the rest of my visit and then I am going to hit things hard on Wednesday when I get home!

I'll write a longer message later.
~Till Later


  1. Hey!!! So sorry I didn't see this on Sunday! Hope to see your post for this week Sunday :)

  2. I didn't get it either ... in fact a whole bunch of your posts have just popped up on my list now .... blogger being weird :-(

    But YAY you, well done that is FANTASTIC xxx
